Landscape Maintenance
SpaceTurtle Landscapes has a diverse set of skills that can handle any tough projects that you may encounter. Lawn care needs such as mowing, weed whacking, blowing, debris removal, invasive plant removal, and weed eradication/control are a calm breeze when working with us. Larger projects such as intentional pruning, sheet mulching, large shrub removal, and landscape redesign are a specialty of ours. SpaceTurtle has been blessed with a vast toolkit full of knowledgeable resources, a passion for getting dirty, and a determination to bring a glow to your landscapes flow that will leave you inspired and above all, Peaceful.

Hardscaping & Reinforcement
Water and soil retention is a big deal when it comes to the overall health and usage of your landscape. With our beautiful NW landscape comes some challenges. SpaceTurtle is in tune with these geological issues, derived by natural forces or by the hand of man. Are you or friend experiencing a stubborn landscape that feels unsafe to walk around and would like to retain a structural balance while gaining useable square footage, allowing proper drainage/accumulation ratios, and receive a peace of mind in knowing that your landscape if safer for all those that grace its presence? No problem! It’s what we do here at SpaceTurtle Landscapes!
Equipment Operating & Woodworking
One of the many things we do here at SpaceTurtle landscapes is to operate all types of small and heavy equipment. Do you have a treacherous porch, driveway, or walkway that needs to be pressure washed before an accident? Do you have a large field that needs to mowed? How about some chainsaw jobs that need to get tackled? SpaceTurtle has the experience-based knowledge in safe equipment handling and operation. You name it, I can do it!
Any time you need someone to build a porch, woodshed, chicken tractor/palace, window frame, stairs, sauna, shelves…….. You name it, I can do it!

Talk to us
Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Please feel free to contact SpaceTurtle directly at the link provided below!
“May Peace Be The Journey”